superonthemove – anja schlamann
anja schlamann is a restless architectural photographer and mostly travels alone. only count dracula (in audiobook form) is constantly at her side as fellow traveller. when she doesn’t happen to be on the move, she teaches architectural photography at the university of applied sciences in aachen. during the “ladentische” project she travelled around the world and photographed small shops. Süpermercado Funkhaus Europa, WDR (13.02.09), 2’42
interview during the exhibition “interSHOPs”
within the exhibition-cyclus
“12hundert fotografien magdeburg”
MDR1 12.09.2005 2`30 min
hannover goes fashion
interview during the exhibition “fashion line architecture”
of the architecture assosiation lower saxonia within
the exhibition-cooperation “hannover goes fashion”
NDR1 2.09.2008 – 50`0 min
for”fashion line architecture” ab 38`15 min
ikonen der moderne
interview during the exhibition “ikonen der moderne”
at the “day of architecture, lower saxonia, 24.06.2007
in the uilding of the architecture assosiation lower saxonia, hannover
MDR1, 4.06.2007 7`20 min